
The request for qualifications was issued July 24, at the commissioners special meeting to discuss a reporty completed by IXP, the Princeton, New Jersey-based telecommunications company that audited the York County 911 center. The deadline for qualifications is Aug. 6.

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The county's publicized and longstanding challenges with its 911 center have brought this to a head, as management structure, leadership and training have all come into question during the audit.

>>> Read IXP's report <<<

The Commissioners’ leadership team has been consulting with police, fire and emergency medical services leaders to identify gaps and recommendations for improvement to the county’s 911 operations.

The center serves more than 150 emergency service agencies across 72 municipalities. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to serving these agencies, which can make meeting their individual needs a challenge.

If contracted, a company would be the county’s change agent with a customer service-driven approach that would best suit each agencies’ communities and their unique needs. Commissioners are seeking a transition management team that would work with staff and the public safety community to rebuild trust and collaboration with the agencies and communities and increase efficient and effective operations of the communication center.


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