
The YoCo STRONG Recovery Task Force's findings are in draft form and can be viewed here.

The draft consists of recommendations from more than a dozen committees of field experts in areas such as vulnerable populations, law enforcement, emergency management and several others.

A summary was presented by YCEA President Kevin Schreiber at the York County Commissioners' June 17, 2020, public meeting, which can be viewed below.

>>>The executive summary can be viewed here.<<<

>>>The full report can be viewed here.<<<

The two biggest recommendations for the commissioners to consider moving forward were to create a countywide health department within county government and to facilitate the expansion of access to broadband internet in communities where it may be unaffordable or not accessible.

“We are grateful for the members of the task force who worked quickly and diligently to provide these recommendations,” said President Commissioner Julie Wheeler. “These steps will be utilized to ensure York County’s restart continues to be equitable, inclusive and focused on all county residents as well as help prepare us for the future.”

The task force committees were: Emergency Management, Resources & Preparedness; Local Government Recovery; Court System; Law Enforcement / Criminal Justice; Healthcare & Resurgence Mitigation; Economic Recovery & Restart; Hospitality Industry Restart; Non‐Profit & Social Services Restart; Technological Capacity; Education & Childcare; Vulnerable Populations; Equitable & Inclusive Recovery.


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