
YoCo strong

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act authorizes York County to use the funds to cover costs that are necessary expenditures incurred from the covid-19 pandemic and are intended to be used to support economic recovery and sustainability in York County.

meeting room sign

On July 15, the York County Commissioners approved 11 categories for the future dissemination of CARES Act funding.

The categories are County Government, Infrastructure/Broadband, Tourism and York Fair, Local Government, Small Business and Restaurants, Nonprofit, Health Care Services, Community Communication, County COVID Supply Kits (PPE), Reserve/Other and Administration.

The YoCo STRONG Recovery Task Force Final Report and recommendations were utilized as part of the decision making process to identify the 11 categories.

Given YCEA’s involvement with recovery efforts across all sectors of the local economy, the Commissioners entered into a memorandum of understanding with YCEA to be the County’s CARES Act coordinator to assist the County with the allocation.

The YCEA and the County will establish a program for how to best distribute a portion of the CARES Act Fund, such funds must be distributed by the December 30, 2020, deadline. The amounts to be allocated to each category will be discussed at a future public meeting of the Commissioners.

The Commissioners emphasized that the priority recommendations presented in the YoCo Strong Recovery Task Force Report were an integral part in developing the allocation categories and that they are dedicated to ensuring this important work is utilized in the ongoing recovery of our community.

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