
Public entry into York County government buildings will be suspended effective Monday, Dec. 21. The Commissioners plan to lift the suspension Monday, Jan. 11, 2021. All county operations will continue during this suspension.

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The commissioners encourage the public to conduct their business with the county either online or over the phone, if possible. The county’s website,, contains contact information for county departments.

Modified operations for essential services and programs will be implemented across county departments. The modifications will include the requirement of scheduling appointments with county departments on an as-needed basis. Please make sure to contact the appropriate department to schedule any necessary transactions.

Drop boxes for document delivery to the Administrative Center offices will continue to be available in the lobby of the Administrative Center during normal work hours. The Sheriff’s Office will permit entry to the lobby for delivery of any necessary documents.

The York County Prison, Youth Development Center and Emergency Services Center, as well as, the Sheriff’s Office and some court-related functions will continue to operate in their ordinary 24-hour capacities.

York County Parks’ Christmas Magic will continue during this period. The county’s 11 parks will be open for outdoor recreation. The County encourages people to continue to enjoy the use of the parks while observing the state’s mask order and social distance guidelines. The Nixon Park Nature Center will be open on weekends. Regular hours will resume on Jan. 11. The Parks' headquarters at Rudy Park will also be closed to the public.

The Commissioners Dec. 30 and Jan. 6 public meetings will be streamed live on the county’s Facebook page,

The health and well-being of York County employees and our community continues to be a top priority.

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