
The York County Board of Commissioners agreed to hire Kinsley Construction, Inc., to build a new access trail at Rocky Ridge Park. Kinsley’s bid, the lowest submitted, was $445,500.

The 3,700-foot-long trail will be south of Deininger Road, connecting the front and back parking areas of Rocky Ridge. It will wind through the woods, providing visitors an alternate route through the park.

The trail’s 8-foot-wide path will have a 1-foot stone shoulder on each side. The design is intended to minimize the environmental impact on Rocky Ridge’s woodlands. It will add to the park’s 12-plus miles of multi-use trailways and contain segments that are ADA compliant with appropriate turnaround areas.

Signage will be posted to notify trail users of any upcoming grade changes.

“The commissioners are pleased to hire a local company to build on to an already stellar complement of trails at Rocky Ridge Park,” said York County President Commissioner Julie Wheeler. “This will hopefully encourage more residents to get out and enjoy our county parks.”

This project is partially funded by a grant from the state’s Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, which relies on revenue from the realty transfer tax. It is administered by the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

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