
READ: County of York, Pennsylvania, Recovery Plan: State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 2021 Report

The York County Board of Commissioners at their Aug. 18 public meeting tunanimously approved the allocation of nearly $42 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

YoCo strong

Using recommendations from the YoCo Strong Recovery Task Force, the commissioners structured the allocation to support the following categories:

- Up to $3 million to stabilize and jumpstart the tourism and hospitality industry

- Up to approximately $18 million to support small businesses and nonprofit organizations

- Up to $21 million to reimburse the county for existing and future COVID-related expenses

Some funding priorities from this allocation include:

- $1 million to support early learning centers and childcare services across York County

- $1 million to support senior centers across the county

- $1 million to the York County History Center to support its project to redevelop the former Steamplant building in the 100 block of South Pershing Avenue in Downtown York

- $1.5 million to United Way partner organizations, and additional support to other institutional nonprofits supporting basic needs, cultural arts, and workforce development programming

- $9.5 million to launch a second round of Restart grants, administered by the York County Economic Alliance, to provide grants to small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and this round will include grants for startup businesses

“This economically-critical action will provide significant investment and the infusion of capital into York County’s rebounding economy,” said York County President Commissioner Julie Wheeler. “We believe it will provide funding to many sectors of our economy to stabilize businesses and organizations across the entire county as well as continue our recovery.”

The County previously allocated $26.5 million with up to $25 million being allocated to expand and enhance broadband and wireless internet connectivity throughout York County via the YoCo Fiber Initiative and approximately $1.5 million to totally fund the former CHIRP program.

Today’s action brings the cumulative amount allocated from the ARPA funds to $68,076,330, leaving $19,015,704 remaining for future needs or priorities.

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