Q: Where is the Conflict Office located?
A: The Conflict Office is located on the ground floor of the York County Administrative Center at 28 East Market Street, York, PA 17401. Directions can be obtained online at https://goo.gl/maps/ujjsWUYPnAxhgxu88.

Q: Where should we park?
A: Parking is not provided by the Conflict Office. There is parking in the East Market Street garage, which is across the Street from the Administrative Center. There is also metered parking throughout the downtown area.

Q: Do you validate parking?
A: No, the Conflict Office does not validate parking; visitors to the Conflict Office are responsible to pay their own parking.

Q: Can my family members call and ask questions for me and discuss my case?
A: No, the Conflict Office will not discuss case information with third parties - anyone other than the client - unless there is signed a release allowing your attorney to speak with specific, listed individuals.

Q: Why doesn’t my attorney return phone calls?
A: Your attorney will return your phone call. Conflict Counsel are frequently out of the office and not able to immediately return phone calls.  Please be patient while your attorney deals with the demands of all of their cases and clients. Your attorney should return your call within the week it was received. If you need immediate assistance, please call 717-771-9220; your attorney’s Paralegal or another staff member will assist you.  

Q: Do you have the number to Adult Probation/Domestic Relations/Clerks Office/Costs and Fines/District Attorney?
A: Adult Probation: 771-9602
Domestic Relations: 771-9605
Clerk of Courts: 771-9612
Costs and Fines: 771-9612
District Attorney: 771-9600

Q: Who is my attorney and when is my next court date?
A: You can find information about your case and attorney from Pennsylvania’s Unified Judicial System webportal at https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/. Select the appropriate court and enter your information. If you cannot find your case, contact the Conflict Office at 717-771-9220 and a staff member will assist you.

Q: Does the Conflict Office handle Custody/Visitation Rights/Landlord Issues/Employment problems?
A: No, the Conflict Office does not handle those types of cases. You can contact Mid-Penn Legal Services  at 717-848-3605 or the York County Bar Association at 717-854-8755 to find an attorney who does handle those cases.

Q. What is the contact information for York County Juvenile Probation, York County Youth Development Center, York County Children, Youth and Families, and York County MH-IDD?
A: York County Juvenile Probation 717-771-9567
York County Youth Development Center 717-840-7570
York County Children, Youth and Families 717-771-9868
York County MH-IDD 717-771-9618

Q. Who can I talk to if my child is charged with a crime?
A. If your child (under age 18) is charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense, and is not currently represented by the Conflict Office you must first contact Juvenile Probation or the Public Defender’s Office. The Conflict Office and the Public Defender’s Office do not represent children charged with truancy, or curfew violations, summary offenses or traffic offenses.


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