York County operates four specialized treatment, or diversionary, courts. The goal of these programs is to help defendants stay out of the criminal justice system by addressing underlying causes of criminal behavior. They also save taxpayer money by keeping offenders out of York County Prison.


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    These courts include:

    Adult Mental Health Court

    This program was established in May 2005 to address defendants with mental health issues. People with mental illness are at increased risk for contact with law enforcement due to increased risks for homelessness, lack of service availability in the community and inability to access entitlements in a timely fashion.


    DUI Court

    This program focuses on addiction that leads individuals to commit the crime of DUI. Of the criminal court cases processed in York County, at least 1/3 are DUI or DUI-related offenses.


    Veterans Treatment Court

    Veterans Treatment Courts, or VTCs, are hybrid Drug and Mental Health Courts that recognize the unique military culture while addressing distinct veteran issues, such as Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Military Sexual Trauma.


    Drug Court

    The York County Drug Court was founded in 1997 and serves non-violent offenders with diagnosed substance abuse.