Age Problem Solving Communication Social/Emotional Self-Help Physical
Birth - 3 months -Follow a toy with his/her eyes

-Looks toward sounds
-Makes sounds and coos

-Has different cries to tell you when they are hungry or soiled
-Looks at your face and smiles

-Stops crying when held or talked to

-Enjoys being touched or held close
-Looks toward lights and bright colors

-Gets excited to be fed
-Puts hand/toys to mouth

-Holds up head for a few seconds

-Brings his/her hands together at the middle of his/her body
3 - 6 months -Looks at their hands

-Plays with rattles by shaking or feeling them

-Looks for a dropped toy
-Looks when you use a firm voice or say “NO”

-Imitates cooing sounds
-Smiles, cries, babbles and makes other noises to get your attention -Eats stage 1 or pureed baby food

-Helps to hold bottle during feedings

-Stays entertained with a toy for 15 or more seconds
-Reaches to grab a toy

-Holds their head up when you hold him/her

-Holds a toy for several seconds to play with it
6 - 9 months -Plays simple game of peek

-a boo, clapping hands or “so big!”

-Touches your hand to restart a game

-Uncovers a toy that is hidden
-Looks when you call his/her name

-Makes a variety of sounds that includes vowels/ consonants (mama, dada)

-Imitates your actions and facial expression
-Looks at themselves in the mirror

-Enjoys listening to you sing or talk to them

-Responds differently to unfamiliar people
-Eats stage 1 or 2 baby food without gagging

-Reaches or moves to toys the want

-Feeds themselves a cracker or cookie
-Rolls from their stomach to their back

-Sits independently for several seconds

-Moves a toy from one hand to the other

-Picks up small objects
9 - 12 months -Touches a toy to make it move or make noise

-Plays with toys in other ways such as banging two together or pushing along the floor

-Looks at pictures in a book
-Says “mama” and “dada” meaningfully

-Looks for their cup or shoes when saying “cup” or “shoes”

-Tries to imitate sounds and words you say to him/her
-Likes to cuddle, hug and give kisses

-Shows a reluctance or fear of strangers
-Uses their fingers to eat some foods

-Cooperates with dressing and helps to push arms and legs through

-Plays for up to 10 minutes with toys independently
-Puts objects into a cup or container

-Pulls to stand on furniture or while holding your hands

-Turns pages in a cardboard book

- Crawls to get around
12 - 15 months -Dumps objects out of a container and puts them back in

-Puts a circle in a puzzle or peg in a hole

-Takes a lid off of a box to find a toy or object
-Points to a few body parts

-Says at least 3 words other than mama and dada

-Tries to repeat words

-Understands phrases such as “no

-no” and “all gone”
-Plays ball by rolling it or throwing it back and forth

-Likes to be in sight and hearing familiar adults

-Lets you know their likes and dislikes
-Uses their fingers to feed themselves

-Begins to use a spoon

-Holds sippy cup or bottle on their own
-Walks alone for several steps

-Stoops or squats to pick up toys and objects

-Stacks two blocks

-Scribbles on paper with crayon
15 - 18 months -Pushes buttons to start a toy or turn on/off the TV

-Explores toys in different ways such as banging, throwing, etc.
-Says at least 10 words

-Points, uses gestures, and makes sounds to let you know what they want

-Points to familiar pictures in a book that you have named
-Copies adult activities such as doing housework

-Begins to show affection with hugs and kisses

-Likes to be around other children
-Feeds themselves with a spoon but with some mess

-Cooperates with dressing and undressing
-Climbs onto and off of furniture

-Carries a large toy while walking

-Drops objects into small containers

-Builds a tower of 3 or 4 blocks
18 - 24 months -Tries to do simple puzzles

-Enjoys nursery rhymes and simple songs

-Recognizes self and family members in photos
-Says 2 to 3 words together

-Names the pictures in a book of familiar objects

-Understands simple questions and directions

-Points to body parts when asked
-Plays while sitting next to another child when they each have their own toys

-Defends their own possessions and expresses ownership

-Shows a wide variety of
-Feeds themselves with a spoon or fork

-Takes off loose clothing such as a jacket or shorts

-Understands what objects can be eaten or not eaten
-Walks up and down steps while holding onto something

-Kicks and throws a ball

-Uses their thumb and index finger to pick up small items
24 - 32 months - Matches assorted simple shapes or colors

-Pretend plays such as feeding a baby or crashing cars

-Understands the concept of “one”

-Finds the right tool or object to use for a certain task or activity
Asks questions like “what’s that”

-Tells you their first name

-Puts two words together

-Tries to get your attention with words

-Places a toy or object in the right place when you tell them to put it “in”, “on”, or “under”
-Shares toys with others while playing

-Helps clean up their toys

-Uses words instead of hitting or crying to indicate anger, hunger, or being upset
-Puts on some clothing without any help

-Plays alone in one room for short periods of time while you are in another room

-Sits on the potty for a few minutes or is curious about the potty
-Stands on one foot for a second without holding onto support

-Runs up to 20 feet without falling

-Jumps forward with both feet together

-Opens doors by turning the knob or pushing the door handle
32 - 36 months -Completes 3 or 4 piece puzzles

-Understands the difference between big and little

-Holds up their fingers to tell you their age.
Uses two -three word phrases consistently

-Talks while playing with toys

-Follows complex directions

-Likes to listen to and understands a short story
-Takes turns playing simple games

-Shows sympathy towards others when they are upset

-Says “no” or throws a temper tantrum when things don’t go their way

-Participates in group play
-Listens and pays attention to a story while in a small group

-Puts on their own jacket

-Understands danger such as running into a street that is not safe
-Walks up and down stairs without help

-Copies a circle

-Climbs a ladder of a slide and slides down